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I admire Mary Doyle's openness to beauty and spirit. I plan to bring this book to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden and experience the grounds anew through Doyle's perceptive eyes. Her vivid descriptions and stunning photographs will help guide me through a journey of self-discovery and connect me with the beauty and power of the natural world. A reminder that amidst the chaos of the world there is always a tranquil and transformative oasis for me to discover (or, rather, for it to discover me).

*Tranquility. Transformation. Transcendence\




Abby Pierce, director, actor, and improvisational teacher

This is a small and very powerful book about marriage, commitment, love, devastating illness, and grace. . . Mary Doyle offers a profound perspective of what the marriage promise "in sickness and in health" means. She provides insights and practical advice from her depth of experience caring for her husband both at home until she could no longer do it, needing to place him in a memory care facility. While the book chronicles her experience with Alzheimer's, and its destructive character, some of it is applicable to a spouse caring for his or her spouse in the process of dying from a prolonged debilitating illness. I learned so much about the awful illness of Alzheimer's, but mostly I saw the depth of love and grace and blessings that come from a Christian marriage.

*The Alzheimer's Spouse




Catholic Press Association

Traveling through this book is a pleasure, words and images that together exceed the sum of the parts. The photos show the incredible diversity of nature and how radically it changes from season to season, even when looking at some of the same subjects The author's poetic voice is the creative constant--reliable, conversational, real. 

*Tranquility. Transformation. Transcendence




Andy Mitran, music composer and producer.

Mary K. Doyle’s brief writing is brimming with practical encouragement and pastoral guidance grounded in Scripture as well as in respected theological, psychological, and social works. With suggestions that shouldn’t surprise us—intentional daily devotion, active participation in communities of faith, serving and caring for others—Doyle gently reminds us to use our time wisely, living to the fullest.

*Young in the Spirit




Martha Dudich, review in Liguorian Magazine

Journalist and author Mary K. Doyle has written a poignant but practical handbook for Alzheimer's caregivers that will enlighten anyone touched by this debilitating disease. She offers straightforward guidelines for caregivers and their families, important lessons she learned in the eleven years she has been caring for her beloved husband, Marshall.

An invaluable and practical extended commentary on caring for those afflicted with this debilitating and ultimately terminal condition, "Navigating Alzheimer's: 12 Truths about Caring for Your Loved One" is impressively well written and organized making it ideal for non-specialist general readers. "Navigating Alzheimer's' is very strongly recommended for community, social services, medical, and academic. library Alzheimer's instructional reference collections.

*Navigating Alzheimer's




Midwest Book Review

. . . Mary Doyle writes clearly and simply. She has the gift of bringing to light a new way of accepting a changed reality and caring for a loved one through a multitude of changes. For me, the biggest point she makes is that a sole caregiver cannot survive the long journey without tapping into community, church, friends, and family, resources. . . 

Navigating Alzheimer's may be easy reading inviting a second or third look. But it is also an informative resource from which to draw answers on matters of special concern such as how to deal with outsiders, finances, other caregivers and making time for self while respecting the person who is still inside the changed other you meet daily.

*Navigating Alzheimer's




Claudette Burque, Review in Today's American Catholic Magazine


Mary K. Doyle writes from her heart supported by credible information as a colleague, neighbor, friend and family member. From poetry and nature to caregiving and prayer, you're sure to find a book written with you and your needs in mind.

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